Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why Israel is losing the Gaza War

Why Israel is losing the Gaza War

Before I begin let me say I apologize for all you atheists and agnostics that are still fighting todays wars with yesterday’s mentality. What I have to say will dismay and maybe frighten so I suggest that if this is so, you look away, as you have always done, and ignore the truth.
As we have learned in the past, technology when fighting against raw belief, can never win.  The Vietnamese believed in Uncle Ho and went to their deaths fighting what we thought was a hopeless war, while the Americans believed in General Curtis Lemay and the power of arms. We lost this war because our belief was not as strong as was the belief of the Vietnamese.

After 9/11 America waged a technological war against Iraq and Afghanistan fighting against people who believed and were willing to die for that belief and, as we have seen, America lost both these battles because they stopped believing, where as their opponents never gave up..

Israel has time and time again “punished” the HAMAS without being willing to pay the price of victory.  The HAMAS, believing that they and their leaders are following the will of ALLAH are happy to fight to the death and beyond for their “primitive” beliefs, thereby thwarting the massive Israeli technological edge.

IDF soldiers and officers are willing to fight, but they are fighting under the command of a leadership that doesn’t believe in the righteousness of their cause and cannot bring themselves to fully trust a God that allowed 6 million Jews to be slaughtered in the Holocaust.  Unless and until Israel can accept that this war is a religious war, and return to a whole-hearted belief in the God of Israel, we will be sending our son’s to fight a hopeless war, with their hands tied, while our defeatist leadership debates, hesitates, and remains frozen by “what will the goyim think.